Novice Developer

[Visual Studio Code] 웹 브라우저 여는 방법 & 쓸만한 Extensions

xojuholic 2022. 11. 17.

원 글은 아래와 같이 브라우저 관련 글이나 글 하단에 제목과 같은 내용을 담고 있어서 인용하여 기억하고자 한다.


How to Open in Browser from VS Code

If you’re using HTML, PHP, or JS files, you might want to open them in your browser from Visual Studio Code. However, there’s no integrated option to do so. This can be frustrating, especially if you want to

Visual Studio Code에서 브라우저 여는 Extension


상기 링크에서 추가로 인용하는 내용은 아래와 같다.

Other Useful Visual Studio Code HTML Extensions
As mentioned, the Visual Studio Marketplace is full of excellent tools, many of which are geared towards HTML. Here are the ten most useful and best-graded extensions for HTML.
  • lit-plugin: A tool that highlights syntax, checks typing, and helps you complete the code without errors. This extension has customizable rules.
  • SCSS Everywhere: An auto-complete extension for class definitions for HTML, SCSS, Elixir, SASS, PHP, CSS, and many other file types.
  • Angular Snippets: Adds Angular snippets for easy use in HTML and TypeScript. The extension works by unfolding a snippet once it’s partially typed out.
  • ES6 String HTML: Enables es6 string code support for syntax highlighting. Works with HTML, CSS, XML, GLSL, and other formats.
  • Split HTML Attributes: This extension will split HTML attributes, as well as Angular, Vue, and React props and directives. You can use it on opening and self-closing tags, as well as on multiple selections.
  • Djaneiro – Django Snippets: An extensive snippet collection for django HTML templates. Using this extension will significantly shorten the time spent typing.
  • Live Preview: The Live Preview extension from Microsoft allows local server hosting. If you have a project that doesn’t use Angular, React, or other server tools, this extension will enable regular and embedded HTML previewing with page refreshes in real time.
  • Oracle JET Core: This extension created by the Oracle Corporation provides full support for Oracle JET custom HTML data. The included snippets will auto-complete any JET attributes and tags.
  • CSS Navigation: Enables Go to Definition for HTML to CSS, HTML to Less, and HTML to Sass. The Peek Definition command is also enabled.
  • HTML accented character converter: Seamlessly replaces special characters with appropriate HTML entities. This extension is situationally helpful, but essential when handling localizable strings.




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